+63 998 8405770

Breaking New Grounds on Life Insurance Underwriting and Claims in the Philippines
The first ever consultancy in the Philippines to focus on the Underwriting and Claims aspects of the insurance industry. Run by expert underwriters, claims adjudicators, and insurance professionals with years of expert experiences and exposures to the industry.

Our Vision:
To be the leading underwriting consultancy which brings about positive transformation on insurance companies, the way they deliver their underwriting and claims services, bringing about satisfactory insurance experience to their customers.
Discover Our Expertise
Underwriteq is fully committed to bring about the highest quality, transparent and sustainable underwriting and claims solutions to financial service providers by treating them as partners and providing them solutions tailor made to their organizational needs.

Underwriting and Health TRAINING PROGRAMS for Sales Team and Employees
Grow your business with us!
How do you position your health care products in such a way that while recommending the most appropriate solution to customers for their insurance needs, doubts will not prosper?
Deepen your understanding of common critical illness definitions and unfamiliar medical terms in confidence
Adding to your competitive advantage effective health strategies and sales pitches which will promote competence and better confidence thus increasing customer base and loyalty.
Underwriting and Claims CONSULTANCY SERVICES
Achieve your goals with us!
How do you position your health care products in such a way that while recommending the most appropriate solution to customers for their insurance needs, doubts will not prosper?
Deepen your understanding of common critical illness definitions and unfamiliar medical terms in confidence
Adding to your competitive advantage effective health strategies and sales pitches which will promote competence and better confidence thus increasing customer base and loyalty.
Underwriting Guidelines
Underwriting Audit
Process Improvement
Health Product Development
Achieve your goals with us!
With passion, drive, and capacity to work effectively under tight pressure. Underwriteq is always keeping a forward step, going beyond the normal expectations of delivering highest quality service congruent with clients’ professional work environment.

Does your company need our services? Message us today.
2021 Training Offerings for Individual Financial Advisors

What's New for the 2nd Quarter

Please call 0998 8405 770 or e-mail us at underwriteqconsulting@gmail.com.
Schedule :
Schedule may change without prior notice. Please call to confirm. Underwriteq Consulting Inc. is not liable for any expense incurred by seminar registrant resulting from cancellation of any of its events.
We also conduct in-house training programs (On-Line Virtual via Zoom or face to face at your chosen venue and Schedule).

The Underwriteq Experts
Marie Rosselle Bahia

Sheree Ann Ortua

John Edward Bahia

Caloy Reyes

Rodolfo Pineda
Forward-Thinking Underwriting Experts
In order to navigate to an era of continuous change and advancement, Underwriteq is always keeping a forward step by going beyond the ordinary which sets us apart from competitors
Underwriteq Consulting Inc